Google vs. Bing: How It’s Gonna Go

June 11, 2009 at 1:58 pm (Google Vs. Bing) (, , , , , , , , )

In looking at what needs to be done today we are struck with an overwhelming sense of wonder as to the appropriate way to measure which search engine will be more successful for a given search term. Having SEO and search marketing as a background I spend the majority of every day considering what a person might do and look for when conducting a search.  I can tell you with 100% certainty that every search depends on the person doing the searching, what they are looking for, what they want to do, and what is out there.

That being said I understand it is virtually impossible to cover all possible options and scenarios. If I have to create a marketing profile for every potential search and run it then it will take me well over the time I am willing to spend on this today. I can however provide information on what manner of results appear, which provides better information, what type of results appear, who it would appeal to, what markets would find it beneficial, and so on.

Thanks to a number of people responding this is going to require more than merely one days worth of data collection.  The topics I am going to cover today include:

  1. Product Shopping
  2. recipes (both food and drink)

And depending if there’s time for more:

  1. information on sports teams
  2. purchase koala yummies

By the end of the day we should have a somewhat greater understanding of what to expect when we conduct a search on Google and when we conduct a search on Bing.

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